Jimmie Geaslen
Board Member, Grace Brethren Church
Jimmie R. Geaslen has been married to Carol E. (Deeter) Geaslen for 51 years, having three children and nine grandchildren. Jim joined the Brethren Church in Hagerstown, Maryland in 1958 at age eleven. He attended Ashland University and Ashland Theological Seminary. After several years of youth camp administration, he began learning the electrical trade. He retired in 2016, selling his business, after nearly forty-five years in the electrical construction business.
He and his wife enjoy their church family, serving as deacon and trustee at Basore Road Grace Brethren Church. They also enjoy short-term mission work, camping, volunteering in numerous agencies and mentoring/spoiling their grandkids.
Jim joined the board of BHC in the fall of 2017, replacing the retiring member of the Grace Brethren Fellowship, Roy Glass. A keen interest in our Brethren roots and history is what attracts Jim to this center and its unique work.